For more articles and editorials concerning Dr. Carter, please click here.
(December 31, 2006) The Apology That Was Not On Saturday, December 23, 2006, Dr. George Carter, Chairman of EFIB, sent an email to the EFIB Department with copies to the deans and other chairs in the CoB. The email is addressed to “Dean Doty” and pretends to be an apology. The email accomplishes several things, but acting as an apology is not one of them. That is a persona problem for Dr. Carter and Dean Doty. What it does do bears further examination.pictorials of various social gatherings in the greater Hattiesburg Area.
(December 31, 2006) Dr. Cut-and-Paste George Carter, Chairman of the EFIB Department, and self-professed Mr. Ethics, has now added a new title to his collection: Dr. Cut-and-Paste (DCP). When he has been producing or forwarding anything to the department or college of late, he has been frequently using the cut (or copy) and paste method of production. Efficient and effective you say? Sure, if it is his own work on which he is relying.
(December 31, 2006) WHY CARTER MUST GO Over the holidays, the editor and contributors have given considerable thought to this matter and have concluded that CARTER MUST GO? In fact, we have received opinion pieces from other contributors on this important subject which we will be publishing over the next several weeks.
(January 2, 2007 ) An Island of Tortured Dreams and Shattered Realties "No man is an island unto himself." The quotation really is: "No man is an Island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main. [John Donne - Meditation XVII.]
(January 3, 2007 ) Why Carter May Stay For A Little While A recent post stated many reasons why George Carter (a/k/a Dr. Cut-and-Paste) must go from his position as Chairman of the EFIB Department. That is the logical and practical approach;therefore, like most CoB practices of the last few years, it probably will not happen.
(January 3, 2007 ) CoB-Induced Salary Inversions at USM The lastest report to hit USMPRIDE.COM regarding salaries at USM(see headline below) points to a number of inversions created by CoB Dean Harold Doty’s method of awarding “equity adjustments” to white guys and “market adjustments” to PERS slaves.
(January 3, 2007 ) NEW CoB T-SHIRTS AVAILABLE SOON! The George Carter Apology Tour
(January 3, 2007 ) Another Doty Scam Uncovered: Economics Hiring 2007 Previous reports at uncovered the strong connections among Harold Doty, Susan Doty, the Mississippi Council on Economic Education (MCEE), the Bureauof Business and Economic Research at USM (BBER), and the Center for Economic Education at USM (CEE).