(June 23, 2008) Doty's Darkest Days Part I The first part of 2007 was the final Act of former dean Harold Doty's administration of USM's College of Business. These were Doty's darkest days. The CoB's AACSB efforts over the 1998-2007 period resulted in failure during the first few days of February 2007. CoB faculty were exiting the CoB in what appears to be record numbers. Faculty grievances regarding administrative malfeasance in the CoB were mounting, and staff members were filing out of the college at almost the same pace as faculty. And on 9-April-07, Doty would himself file out of the CoB’s dean suite, resigning, along with his associate dean, Farhang Niroomand, under a cloud of rumors and suspicion.
For more articles and editorials concerning Dr. Grimes please click here.
(June 23, 2008) Doty's Darkest Days Part II Grimes was clearly concerned about USM's business school. Other than a quick e-mail query to perhaps gauge the interest of the CoB's AACSB Peer Review Team leader (for accounting) Ed Arrington in the SAIS Directorship, Doty appeared to be doing very little, if anything, to address Grimes' concerns. Doty was, however, incessantly sending bizarre e-mails to USM officials such as Grims and Becky Woodrick, USM's EEO officer. One of these was sent by Doty to Grimes on 2-April-07, copying Woodrick. It contained the bizarre subject line: "Potential bias and racism in college." This is shown in the insert below.
(June 23, 2008) Doty's Darkest Days Part III In the e-mail above, Willis makes note of the .concern. raised by Doty in Doty's 5-April-07 e-mail to Grimes. However, Willis also tells Grimes that any action on Doty.s latest concern about the CoB will come only after "we get through Monday's event". By Monday, Willis refers to Monday, 9-April-07. This is the day Doty "resigned". By"we" Willis certainly means himself and Grimes (and possibly others). These are the individuals charged with academic affairs and human resources issues at USM. By the combined term "Monday's event," what else could Willis be referring to other than Doty's resignation? Nothing, really.
(February 12, 2009) What did Doty & Becker do to TM? More on How the CoB’s TM Program was Devastated under Harold Doty
Like in the waning days of a petty dictatorship, former CoB dean Harold Doty’s final days atop USM’s College of Business were spent oddly – in this case sending e-mails to USM’s central administration about “mental health concerns” and “racism.” The Doty-Farhang Niroomand administration of the CoB was spiraling out of control by the spring of 2007, and then-USM provost Jay Grimes recognized it. Just 41 days prior to Doty’s eventual “resignation,” Grimes wrote to Doty demanding that Doty stand before the USM Executive Cabinet and account for the demise of various pieces of USM’s b-school.
(May 2, 2010) Former USM Provost Jay Grimes Implicated in USM Research Foundation Scandal In a 28-April-2010 news story by The Hattiesburg American’s higher education reporter Ed Kemp entitled “Auditor investigating $860K stock purchase,” the USM family learned that former USM provost Jay Grimes is alleged to have been involved in the breaking scandal in the USM Research Council.