(August 14, 2009) USM Provost Outlines Procedures for Appealing Budget Cuts In an e-mail to USM personnel, USM provost Robert Lyman has spelled out the mechanism for appealing the proposed $8 million in budget cuts at USM. The text of that e-mail – which states that appeals begin with the deans, move to the provost, and then go to the president/executive cabinet – is inserted below.

For more articles and editorials concerning Dr. Lyman please click here.
(August 12, 2009) Budget Cuts Central WHY IS LYMAN SO JOLLY? A number of USMNEWS.net readers have commented on the photo of USM provost Robert Lyman that accompanied Tim Doherty's 12-August-09 article in The Hattiesburg American about the budget cuts at USM. In the photo, Lyman comes across as happy about USM's decision to fire 7 tenured and 5 tenure-track faculty.
(August 12, 2009) Lyman Disease by Duane Cobb To have USM provost Robert Lyman smiling at the prospect of hacking $8 million out of the institution's budget, as he appeared to be in the 12-Aug-09 article in The Hattiesburg American story entitled "USM prepares for cuts," could one day seriously harm his upward mobility in higher ed.
(August 13, 2009) breaking news . . . Remaining CoB Academic Programs to be Spared? HATTIESBURG – According to a recent interview of USM provost Robert Lyman by WDAM-TV, USM's Academic Planning Group has recommended that, if USM's total budget cut rises from the recently-announced $7.5-$8.0 million total to the $11 or $12 million total that is expected by year's end, none of the additional cuts come from the academic side of the institution. The additional $3-$4 million would instead come from areas such as the music department, where there are USM personnel who work with the USM marching band that could be moved off of state E&G lines. Lyman also told WDAM-TV that he is recommending that the USM marching band and the Dixie Darlings dance/spirit team curtail some of their activities, such as attending football games away from Hattiesburg's M.M. Roberts Stadium.
(August 28, 2009) Lyman Looks Better Second Time Around THE LATEST NEWS ON THE USM BUDGET CUT OF 2009-10
Lyman Gives Up the Goods USM provost Robert Lyman was once again interviewed by The Hattiesburg American's higher education reporter Ed Kemp about the $8 million Aug-09 budget cut at the institution. Lyman told Kemp – for Kemp's 27-Aug-09 story entitled "Concern raised over cuts at USM" – that Southern Miss is putting tenured/tenure-track faculty in economics and technical and occupational education on the chopping block as a result of program elimination.