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(August 30, 2006) Accreditation and Research: Two Sides of the Same Coin? "One piece of information that should be taken from the College of Business faculty meeting held on August 25th (2006) is that the CoB admittedly only takes accreditation issues seriously sometimes, not all the time. Harold Doty's statements to the point that CoB assessment is incomplete were supported by David Duhon's statements that the SACS WEAVE database would be the source for much of the assessment data needed for the AACSB report...".
(September 15, 2006) Fall 06 Teaching Information Compiled from SOAR
(September 26, 2006) It’s Been More than One Month Dr. Davis CoB Faculty Still Await Tables I, II, and IIa "So, Dr. Donna gets a course-release to serve as the CoB’s SEDONA Coordinator. As part of that duty, Dr. Davis is expected to produce a small set of tables containing faculty production “data” (teaching, research, etc. summaries) to go along with the CoB’s AACSB Reaffirmation efforts, which we hear are going quite well. The only issue seems to be Dr. Davis’ inability to produce electronic copies of these (3) tables for distribution to CoB faculty. The existence of these three mysterious tables is explained via a 24 August 2006 e-mail to CoB faculty, Jay Grimes, and Joan Exline...".
(October 4, 2006) Joint Venture versus the AACSB Maintenance Report Which Story Are We To Believe? "The latest issue of Joint Venture, the CoB’s vanity public relations publication is out, and it is a doozie. While Joint Venture will no doubt be the impetus for many reports at, one has only to turn to the inside cover to get a glimpse of the disingenuous way that Harold Doty uses his position as Dean...".