For more articles and editorials concerning Dr. Hsieh, please click here.
(October 16, 2008) Still Going? A Look at New Journal Publications in the CoB There is little argument with the notion that much of the CoB's former research talent departed since former CoB dean Harold Doty took the reins of the organization back in July of 2003. At this point, with the arrival of new CoB dean Lance Nail, the CoB is barely hanging on when it comes to the research front. One problem Nail seems to be running into now is that many of the CoB's faculty vacancies -- and there have been many in the past few years -- were filled by the outgoing administration of former interim CoB dean Alvin Williams. As a number of reports here at have indicated, some of these late hires under Williams were questionable at best.
(October 28, 2008) CoB News, 28 October 2008 One of Posey’s Publications Located Long-time readers of are well aware of the dubious claim made (on the USM website) by the Morgan Distinguished Professor of Accounting Roderick Posey to have “more than 100” publications on accounting-related topics. Since Posey’s claim was made public, reporters have been able to locate only one or two of Posey’s publications. One of these is his 2006 paper entitled “Computer Security Checklist for Non-Security Technology Professionals.” This paper was published in the Journal of International Technology and Information Management, which is edited by the CoB’s own Chang-Tseh Hsieh, the McCarty Distinguished Professor of Information Systems.

(November 4, 2008) BREAKING NEWS More CoB Reorganization Wrinkles Uncovered HATTIESBURG – The 3-Nov-08 BREAKING NEWS and 4-Nov-08 BREAKING NEWS UPDATE stories about the secret plan to ship the CoB’s economists over to the College of Arts & Letters and new CoB dean Lance Nail’s recent reorganization plan for the CoB currently dominate other Greene Hall politics.
(January 14, 2009) Perks for Buds XXIII Accountants in “Retreat” Dean Nail’s first retreat was, by all accounts, a huge success. Reports say the area with the biggest no-shows for Lance seemed to be Accounting. Bob Smith apparently was still in Atlanta. Where were Stan Clark and Mary Anderson? Aren’t they two of the reputed movers-and-shakers? Was this a message sent to Lance that Lance is not in charge? Perhaps it was continued outrage over Lance’s non-hiring of their favored candidate for director? Maybe it was apathy like it seemingly was for Hsieh, Chen, and Malik. [Editor's note: DePree wasn't invited.] If there are no consequences – and why would you expect any – it is just another example of Perks for Buds.
(February 24, 2009) Missing & Musical Professorships What Happened to the Williams & Parham-Bridges, and Who Should Hold Them? The CoB has a few professorships. The list includes (1) the Morgan Distinguished Professorship in Accounting, (2) the Draughn Distinguished Professorship in Healthcare Marketing, (3) the McCarty Distinguished Professorship in Information Systems, and (4) the Kaetsu Distinguished Professorship in International Business. Not included among this list are the Williams Distinguished Professorship in Minority Entrepreneurship and the Parham-Bridges Distinguished Professorship in Real Estate. These two are omitted from the list of four above not because they aren't funded. No, they have been funded, and in the case of the Parham-Bridges, the funding is substantial and it has been around (i.e., in the USM Foundation) for quite some time.