(September 14, 2009) 31st & Pearl Dear Denise I don't mean to shove my way into the territory blazed by the creator of USMNEWS.net's "Dear Skip"series, but it seems important to get out at least one warning message to CoAL dean Denise von Herrmann, who is now preparing to "welcome home" four of the CoB's nine tenured/tenure]track economists.
For more articles and editorials concerning Dr. Marvasti, please click here.
(September 17, 2009) What CoAL Needs to Know OVERLOOKED DETAILS ABOUT THE MOVE OF ECO TO ARTS & LETTERS As USM administrators prepare to move the CoB’s economics major, and its remaining economists, over to the CoAL, there are some oft-overlooked details that need to be brought to the fore. Some of these are the subject of this new, multi-part USMNEWS.net series entitled “What CoAL Needs to Know.” This is Part 2.
(September 19, 2009) 31st & Pearl A Great Read Thus Far For those of you who have been away from USMNEWS.net for a day or two, there's a new series launched there entitled "What the CoAL Needs to Know." Thus far only Part 1 and Part 2 in this series – which is all about the proposed move of ECO to the CoAL – have been published, but there's enough to know that some really good reading is in our present and near future. The headings alone, which are listed below, are enough to whet the appetite.
(September 22, 2009) What They're Getting A LOOK AT THE ECO RESEARCH CREDENTIALS HEADING TO CoAL A number of USMNEWS.net readers are wondering about the research credentials, particularly vis-a-vis compensation levels, of the four CoB economists are heading over to the CoAL to begin 2010-11. These data are now presented below, with salaries + benefits levels found by multiplying the published USM salaries by 1.2 (and rounded to nearest thousand). As you can see in Table 1, the four departing economists carry a fiscal burden, which now falls on CoAL dean Denise von Herrmann, of about $400,000.
(September 23, 2009) breaking news . . . Marvasti Tenured at Sept-09 IHL Meeting HATTIESBURG – CoB economics professor Akbar Marvasti was tenured during a special consideration of his tenure application at the IHL Board's 16/17-Sept-09 meeting. Not surprisingly, Marvasti's tenure application was the only one considered by IHL officials at this particular meeting, as the customary period for doing so is the May-June period each year. The section of the 16/17-Sept-09 Board Book pertaining to special consideration of Marvasti's tenure is inserted below.
(September 24, 2009) CoB News, 24 September 2009 "Some More Akbars" A number of reports here at USMNEWS.net have indicated, in one way or another, that both Akbar Marvasti and Sami Dakhlia have received a disproportionate level of favorable treatment since arriving in Hattiesburg in the summer of 2006. Despite both being classified as "fair-haired boys," it has also been the case that Marvasti has, time and again, received favorable treatment that exceeds even that given to Dakhlia.