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(August 18, 2006) CoBscam? A Look at Questionable Publishing Practices in the College of Business An interesting angle on some publishing practices in the CoB is taking shape based on the recent discovery of documentation from an open records request. This (Part 1) installment starts with the SEDONA records of Farhang Niroomand (Associate Dean and Professor of Economics).
(August 4, 2006) (Updated August 22, 2006) COB Confidential "We were sent an example of some of the details that CoB administrators provide to their faculty via e-mail and other forms of communication. We thought it would be instructive to share with our readers the following e-mail, written by EcoFinIB Chair George Carter on 9/29/2005 and sent to the 19 members of his department:...".
(October 3, 2006) Why did Mississippi taxpayers spend thousands of dollars to send Dr. Posey to AACSB meetings? "... The first and most fundamental AACSB accreditation standard is "The school publishes a mission statement . . ." We are now only a few months away from the CoB/SAIS AACSB visit and Dr. Posey first becomes aware that the SAIS mission statement does not pass muster for AACSB approval. And by the way, our learning goals are wrong, too. What else did Dr. Posey miss? It's not as though Mississippi taxpayers didn't invest thousands of dollars over the past few years sending Dr. Posey to various seminars to learn AACSB standards. His most recent trip was in February 2006 to attend an AACSB Seminar in San Antonio, TX at a cost to the taxpayers of $2,209.59...".
(September 1, 2006) Special Report The Web: Barry Babin's Editorial Connections An Investigative Series on CoB Research Activities "This "Special Report" examines the subject of prior documents here at --- Barry Babin's (Professor and Chair of MgtMktFM) editorial connections. Table 1 below presents the CoB's A-level marketing journals (CoB journal ranking list), along with journals in the lower categories (i.e., B, C and Other) that have published Babin's work in the past...".
(September 11, 2006) Special Report Why does Donna Davis have Access to SEDONA? An Investigative Series on Research Credentials of CoB Faculty If you've been keeping up with then you know by now that Donna Davis (Professor of MIS) has been chosen by Dean Harold Doty to serve as the CoB's SEDONA Coordinator. As she told readers at USM Forum --- No Quarter Message Board, it is she and she alone who is responsible for the accuracy of everyone's SEDONA records.

(September 14, 2006) SEDONA Files "... This issue of SEDONA Files examines the SEDONA vita of Farhang Niroomand (Associate Dean/Professor of Economics). A curious entry was found by investigators in the Awards section of Niroomand's SEDONA file. That entry is presented below, as it appears in Niroomand's records: …".